Dear Customer,
Welcome to the newly created Heavy-Mont’s website. We hope that this site is going to be not only a source of information concerning our company and offer, but also it will become a contact platform between you and our firm.
We also hope that you will decide to become one of our Clients. In order to make using our site easier, we put a brief description of its elements below:
About us – this is where you will find information about the company, range of its services, news and announcements and documents that may interest you
Equipment – description of the equipment the company uses
Projects – here you will find completed projects with photos and references included
Valuation – here you can send an inquiry using the form
Can we help with anything?
Contact us:
Heavy-Mont Sp. z o.o.
ul. Kopalniana 9
(biurowiec Pol-Miedź Trans)
Skr. poczt. nr 91
59-101 Polkowice
NIP: 5020109263
REGON: 021935243